ARA Member Support Fund

The ARA Board is acutely aware that the current cost of living situation in the UK and Ireland is causing concern and hardship to members. We have worked within ARA's budgetary situation to provide £5,000 to support members to continue their membership and also provide support for continued professional development. We fully understand this likely doesn't address the scale of the challenge, but we are trying to do what we can, where we can. Unfortunately, when the funding is exhausted, we won't be able to apply any further resources this year. If anyone wishes to contribute to the fund to support fellow members, we will be glad to accept donations. Necessarily, some parameters have had to be made to ensure the fair and equal operation of the Fund and the following sets these out.


  • To support members facing difficulties in funding their membership fees for the Association due to cost of living. The fund is primarily aimed at members earning under £31k pa.

  • To enable members to take an active part in the Associations activities such as attending meetings and training events due to costs.

What help is available

  • Up to 75% of membership fee for their category where self-funding (i.e, not receiving employer support)

  • Up to 75% of ARA training event fees where self-funding (i.e, not receiving employer support)

  • Up to 75% of travel fees to attend ARA meetings and training events where self-funding (ie, not receiving employer support)

What help isn't available?

  • Conference attendance (funding available via bursaries)

  • Areas for where bursaries are already available (see website)

  • Support for students, apprentices and retired members who already have heavily discounted rates

  • Unemployed members who are being supported already

Eligibility and how to apply

  • Be a current member of the Association

  • Members earning under £31k pa will be prioritised for this fund

  • Contact the Member Services Manager - - with a short statement detailing why help is being sought to continue membership, and the nature of the hardship being faced - this might include a statement about salary level and cost of living. The application will be adjudicated in strict confidence by the Member Services Manager and two officers of the Association.


  • Maximum of two applications per ARA financial year (Oct-Sep)

  • Fixed annual budget - once the funds are exhausted, then it is gone


Criteria to be reviewed in July 2023 prior to the new budget cycle.