ARA Nations & Regions
ARA's Nations and National/Regional groups (nations and regions) are designed to help engage and support members across the UK and Ireland, and represent most members' primary point of contact with the ARA.
They provide a forum whereby members from a variety of employment backgrounds can meet, exchange views and news, and discuss local issues and matters of wider concern to the profession. Through these groups the ARA can actively consult with the membership providing valuable and ongoing feedback to the ARA's Board and executive.
The Nations and Regions also provide locally accessible opportunities for training and professional development. Members of the ARA are automatically assigned to the nation or region in which they reside. All contact points for ARA Nations and Regions can be found below:
ARA Eastern
Email: eastern@archives.org.uk
ARA International
Email: international@archives.org.uk
ARA Ireland
Email: info@araireland.ie
Twitter: @ARAIreland
Website: https://www.araireland.ie/
ARA Midlands
Email: aramidlands@archives.org.uk
Twitter: @ARAMidlands
Find out more about this region here.
ARA Northern
Email: aranorthern@archives.org.uk
Twitter: @ARANorthern / @ARANorthWest
ARA Scotland
Email: arascotland@archives.org.uk
Twitter: @ARAScot
ARA South East and London
Email: arasoutheastandlondon@archives.org.uk
Twitter: @ARASouthEast / @ARALondonRegion
ARA South West
Email: southwest@archives.org.uk
Twitter: @ARASouthWest
Find out more about this region here.
ARA Wales
Email: arawales@archives.org.uk

As an ARA member there are also plentiful opportunities to get involved at the National and Regional level. Members can gain valuable work experience through becoming a National/Regional officer. There are a number of different officer roles to engage in. Take a look at our Why Be....guides and see how you can get involved.
ARA members who fulfill Officer roles on National and Regional committees are invited to Officers' events. These are held online via Teams six times a year following ARA Board meetings. These meetings allow immediate updates on Board decisions. Officers can learn more about what's happening in the Association and can give valuable feedback on new or planned initiatives.
Full details of all ARA events can be found here: