Professional development
We all need to continue to develop our knowledge, skills and competencies and ensure that we are always equipped to respond positively to change. Professional development is key to this – it will help you become the best you can be. To support you we have worked closely with the sector to create a competency framework which identifies all of the key competencies you need to gain professional qualifications from the ARA and to progress your career in the record-keeping sector.
We are committed to supporting our members with their professional development, offering a range of support and resources to help everyone identify and meet their own career ambitions and get the most from their chosen career.

Competency framework
The ARA’s competency framework is an essential career development tool for all those working and volunteering within the archives and conservation, records management and information profession. It also sets national competency standards in record keeping for the UK and Ireland. Each competency provides examples of how it can be achieved at any of five levels. The examples will help you understand your current level of experience, and help you plan the steps you need to take to progress your career to the next level.
Find out how the framework can help you develop your career and qualify for ARA professional registration.

Professional Registration
Invest in your career. Become ARA qualified and get the recognition your career deserves. Learn more about the three levels of professional qualification: Foundation Membership (FMARA), Registered Membership (RMARA) and Fellow Membership (FARA).
Six Steps to Professional Registration
Find out about the six steps to professional registration. Starting with a self-assessment to review where you are today and finishing with the support the ARA offers to help you maintain and develop your knowledge and competency, we’ll explain each step in the process.

Professional Registration Blog
The Professional Registration blog is updated regularly and provides all the latest news, insights and information relating to professional registration and career development.