The Benefits of ARA Membership
The work of the record-keeping sector is vital to a democratic, inclusive and equitable society and as a member of the ARA you sit at the heart of the community and actively shape the future of the sector.
Join ARA today and become a part of our growing professional community – we are the only professional body in the UK and Ireland that represents the three record-keeping disciplines; archives, records management and archive conservation. Your membership subscription supports our continuing work in championing the sector, the work of our members and the value they provide to their employers, users and communities. Whether you work alone or are part of a small team, ARA membership connects you to a broader and deeper national network of knowledge and good practice. Work local, connect nationally.
ARA is a membership organisation that has time to support you.
ARA prides itself on its ability to respond to individual member queries on a one-to-one basis with a named member of the staff team. We don’t have chat-bots, automated messages or long waits for a response. We are here to help you navigate the benefits ARA can offer and to help you in your career with advice and support that is specific to you and your circumstances – whether that’s finding a particular report on the website or fighting to keep your service open – we are here and ready to help. We are open to our members’ ideas and proactive in helping them take that forward when appropriate – for example with our new Environmental Sustainability Group.
ARA Membership can help you with so much

Which type of membership is for you?
Our membership offering caters for the needs of all working in the sector or those who are just interested. Whether you are a volunteer, a student, new to the profession, or an experienced professional or senior manager, and wherever you are in the world, we have a membership package and price to suit. All are welcome to join our community

Join Today
To find out more and speak to someone about joining the Archives and Records Association, please contact the ARA on 01823 327077, email membership@archives.org.uk or enquire here.