Six Steps to Professional Registration
There are six steps to ARA professional registration and the career benefits that follow.

Step 1 – Self-Assessment
Self-assessment is all about seeing where you are today; reviewing the skills, experience and attributes that you already have and understanding where that puts you in terms of Foundation, Registered or Fellow status. The self-assessment process is as follows:
Download the competency framework document and self-assessment form: archivesandrecords.smapply.io/
Choose the competencies you think apply to you
Review the examples given in each of the five level descriptions below your chosen competencies, select the level that best fits your experience and record this in the self-assessment form
Align your completed self-assessment form with the submission criteria for Foundation, Registered and Fellow status to understand which you may already qualify for. Identify the additional competencies and work required for you to reach the next levels.
We provide candidates and their mentors with support at every stage of the qualification process. If you would like to discuss the outcomes of your self-assessment then please contact chris.sheridan@archives.org.uk.

Step 2 – Find a Mentor
You will need and benefit from some help in developing your application. A mentor is someone with more experience and knowledge than yourself who will help give you direction with your learning and development. It is important that you identify your own mentor and advice on how to do this can be found in the programme guide available from the programme website. Alternatively, you can request a copy of the ARA’s mentor list during the online enrolment process.
With your mentor you should agree how you are going to work together, share your latest CV and completed self-assessment, and agree key milestones, such as the drafting of each competency form. If there are other colleagues, professionals or networks known to you, we would encourage you to reach out to them for additional guidance and support.
If you are having difficulties finding a mentor then please contact chris.sheridan@archives.org.uk.

Step 3 – Enrol onto the Programme
The next step is to enrol on the programme website archivesandrecords.smapply.io After setting up your profile, complete the enrolment form and pay the fee to enrol. You can now get started on your application by selecting the Foundation, Registered or Fellowship qualification options.
Please note that when going through the CPD Review process you do not need to enrol on the programme.
You will be asked to provide your name, ARA membership number and contact details for your employer and your mentor. You will also be asked to invite your mentor to register with the website if they haven’t already done so. Your mentor will then be able to access your application and follow its development.
If you are not yet an ARA member then please contact us on membership@archives.org.uk or join now as an Individual Member.

Step 4 – Preparing for Assessment
Develop your application online by working with your mentor and following the advice contained in the programme guide. Your application will need to meet the qualification criteria for the level of membership you are applying for and success will depend on the strength of the evidence presented in it. The criteria are described in the programme guide.
Up to 10 years’ relevant work experience can be included in your application. This should evidence how you meet one or two of the examples provided in your chosen competency levels. Your mentor will be able to give you a much-needed objective opinion.
You will also need a reference from your mentor and they will need to provide it in line with the Guidance for Mentors document found on the programme website: archivesandrecords.smapply.io.
We provide candidates and their mentors with support at every stage of the qualification process. If you would like to discuss the development of your application, or have any questions you’d like to raise, then please contact chris.sheridan@archives.org.uk.

Step 5 – Completing Assessment and Qualification
Once your application is complete you will be asked to pay the assessment fee and submit your application via the programme website. You may download a copy of your application for future reference.
Your application will be assessed by two experienced Registered or Fellow Members of the ARA and the assessment will take around three months to complete. If successful, you will be rewarded with the professional qualification that you applied for. Your success will be published by the ARA and you will receive a certificate confirming your new qualified status.

Step 6 – Maintaining your membership and qualification level
Once qualified you will need to maintain and develop your knowledge and competency through continuing professional development (CPD). The ARA provides opportunities to support members with their CPD, including news and insights from ARC Magazine, the ARA annual conference and events organised by ARA Nations, Regions and Sections.
Members with professional registration are expected to continue with their professional development. CPD Review is the process through which ARA supports members with this commitment.
For the CPD Review members are asked to submit:
A current CV
Four CPD Review forms: Each form asks members to identify one development objective during the most recent five-year period. Members are then asked to describe the activities undertaken to meet the objectives, and reflect on the outcome (Max 750 words per form).
A personal development statement providing a (maximum) 500-word overview of the five most recent years of CPD activity.