Diversity & Inclusion Allies
The ARA Diversity and Inclusion Allies are a group volunteers who organise around the principles of improving diversity and inclusion across ARA and the wider record-keeping community. Our aim is to work with the ARA Board to promote best practice in relation to diversity and inclusion across the sector, forging new paths for positive change.
The group’s goals are:
To help drive the highest professional and ethical standards in relation to diversity and inclusion, within the ARA and across the wider sector.
To identify, develop and promote professional training and skills relating to diversity and inclusion.
To provide a named point of contact for every ARA Nation and Region to ensure lines of communication remain open.
Establish thematic areas of work to focus on a range of specific issues relating to Diversity and Inclusion. These themes are:
Accessibility – See our Digital Accessibility Guidelines
Approaching Marginalised Communities
Awareness & Campaigns (read more at www.exploreyourarchive.org/ara-diversity-and-inclusion-allies/ and see our Diversity & Inclusion Diary Dates
Collecting Policies and Collection Representation
Decolonising Catalogues
Course and Training Review
We encourage all those who care about fostering a diverse and inclusive sector to meet their regional or national representative, get in touch and to be involved in the Allies’ work. Contact us today at diversityandinclusion@archives.org.uk
Different working groups o the Diversity and Inclusion allies have produced series of blogs you can read them all here.