Do you work overseas in the record keeping sector?

Are you a UK or Irish recordkeeping professional working overseas, or an overseas recordkeeping professional working to UK or Irish standards?

We are looking to enhance our membership offer – particularly for International Members but also for Individual Members working overseas – by reinvigorating and extending the remit of the International Region.

This is not intended to compete with existing overseas associations or the work of the International Council on Archives.

If you are interested in shaping this offer please complete our survey here.

Please note that if you are a UK/Irish recordkeeper based in the UK/Ireland then this survey is NOT for you unless you plan imminently to move overseas.

To be a member of the ARA International Region you will need to be a member of ARA (as any category of member).

We hope that the group will:

Identify and discuss issues/challenges that International professionals might face and want to discuss:

  • Availability of technology and internet connectivity issues

  • Lack of resources (financially, staffing, or otherwise)

  • Skills & Learning gaps

  • Ability to progress professional development how it aligns with national/geographical

  • Unique situation of ‘lone working’ if applicable – legislation (data protection, freedom of information, public access act), environment, storage areas, advocacy and engagement, equipment, ‘jack of all trade’

  • Provide training and activities- for example in our first year there might be:

  • Connections Chat – networking opportunity

  • Case studies for international professionals – share experience

  • Membership mapping / mentor scheme

  • Training on some challenges listed above – depending on the topic we could do a joint training session with another ARA Group or Section

  • Produce guidance for ARA on how to support International members – including small things like for training events - check whether they can have videos on (if internet is poor) or the time difference for events; guidance for sole professionals or where to find support for matters; what professional development opportunities there are in their area

We will also look at ways we can help members to participate in this group for example:

  • Through Hybrid / technology support or software to connect professionals

  • Providing speaker costs for training events for Group

  • Support training for professionals / members – so they can access training if not able to receive funds through other means

  • Supporting a Committee member or International professional to attend or put costs towards attendance at an in person meeting

If this information is not relevant to you but you know of someone that it might be useful to please do forward this on.


Accessibility and Archives: “Mad, Innocent or Criminal?”


#CrowdCymru digital archives volunteer project