Security Guidance for the Archive Sector - call for tenders

We are inviting consultants to tender for the opportunity to review and redraft the published security guidance for the Archives sector.

The most recent published document on security best practice for the Archives sector in the UK & Ireland appeared in 2003. This needs to be replaced given the major changes in standards, technology and the remit of the profession. The Archives and Records Association wishes to commission a review of existing and previous guidance and the production of a draft of a new guidance document, to be published online.

The 2003 document, published by Resource, is a substantial text with extensive operational procedures and templates e.g. for job descriptions. Much of the content has been out of date for many years and there is no provision for new considerations such as Cyber Security. There is an urgent need to replace this with modern guidance which will support the work of Archive professionals and others in relevant sectors such as Libraries and Museums. The ARA Security & Access Group, recently reconvened after several years’ hiatus, has prioritised this piece of work in its annual workplan and has already sought feedback from the wider membership. There will also be input from the Manager – Security and Protection Advice at Arts Council England. A subgroup of ARA members will work with the successful consultant to shape the draft and bring it to completion by the end of 2023.

The objective is to produce a new document, ready for publication online by the end of calendar year 2023. The expectation is that it will be published simultaneously in English and Welsh (with the Welsh translation to be commissioned separately). The consultant would be expected to meet with the subgroup (online) at the outset of the project to gather information and opinion and to agree the process. The subgroup would expect to receive a draft text by 31 July 2023, following which there would be a further meeting online. The final text should be delivered in PDF and in Word document format by 30 September 2023.

The tender document here contains further information on the brief and how to apply.

Completed proposals should be sent by e-mail to John Chambers, Chief Executive, Archives and Records Association, by 31 March 2023. Shortlisted consultants will be contacted one week after the closing date. Interviews will be held in week commencing 17 April 2023.

The appointed consultant is expected to start work in May 2023 and with a completion date of 30 September 2023.


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