Submissions invited for Section for New Professionals’ Research Showcase

ARA’s Section for New Professionals is hosting a Research Showcase – a chance for recent graduates, trainees and others new to the profession to present their research and for the recordkeeping community to engage with their work.  

They are inviting submission for papers with a deadline of 15th January 2025. 

Following the popularity of their previous research showcases, ARA’s SfNP is hosting a 'New Professionals Research Showcase’ for people at the start of their careers in archives, preservation, information or records management, to take place late March 2025.

This is an opportunity to present findings from your recent research, whether that was carried out for your dissertation or undertaken as part of your employment or volunteering. As submissions are not limited to dissertation research, they hope to also attract speakers who may have entered the profession via non-traditional routes.

By taking part, you will gain valuable experience of presenting at a conference-style event (in a relaxed and supportive environment!) and receive feedback on your work from the wider community. There may even be the opportunity to connect with others who are interested in carrying out similar research and want to collaborate on future work.  

Attendance is not limited to fellow graduates and current students as the Research Showcases provides an opportunity for others in the field to benefit and learn from research conducted by those coming into the profession. The section looks forward to welcoming a diverse audience and engaging in some interesting discussions!

There is no restriction around topic (within archives, preservation, records and information management), research method or quality – it is important for the community to reflect on a range of findings and results. The only requirements are that you consider yourself new to the profession (this is usually five years or less, but don’t be deterred if your experience is different) and the research was conducted within the last three years. You do not need to have gained a professional qualification to take part.

Speakers would present for 10-15 minutes and take questions on their research from the virtual audience. Participants would ideally present on their research methods and results, findings and conclusions – but this is flexible and they would love to hear your ideas. 

If you have any questions about presenting or want to be involved, please do not hesitate to contact the section at:, tweet them or contact them on Facebook.

More information will be provided on the event in due course.


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