Preservation & Conservation
The Section for Preservation and Conservation aims to promote information exchange and contact between members with an interest in preservation and conservation. It helps develop and deliver training in the field and encourages research within the practice of archive conservation, the nature of archival materials and the causes of their deterioration.
We welcome members of any job title who have an interest in archives conservation.
You can get in touch with us at…
Twitter: @ARA_PCG
Instagram: @ara_pcg

What we do
Regular Meetings
The Section for Preservation and Conservation meets several times a year these are a mix of online only and in-person hybrid meetings.
Recent meetings have included a series of informal discussions hosted online on topics such as unusual objects in your archive collections, and conservation projects you need help with.
We send out email announcements to our mailing list, post our meetings via our social media channels, and on the ARA website here.
We run our own training events and partner with other sections and groups of ARA to provide both in person and online training.
As with our meetings we will send out email announcements to the region mailing list, post to our social media channels, and also post our meetings here.
Most of our training is provided free to members, very occasionally we may charge a nominal fee to cover speaker, room hire, or materials costs.
Many of our training events are available to members as online webinars in the Training Resources Section in the member area here.
In the past we have worked together to create resources such as Best Practice Guidelines for preservation and conservation and these can be found on the resources page here.
Who we are
The committee of the ARA Group is made up of volunteers drawn from the membership of ARA.
Our committee is as follows:
Shirley Jones (Chair)
Rachel Marsh (Secretary)
Annabel Valentine (Treasurer)
Katie Proctor (Archives Conservation Training Scheme Registrar)
Rhiannon Griffiths (Archives Conservation Training Scheme Secretary)
Mark O’Neil (Training Officer)
Annie Starkey (Conference Organiser)
Liz Stettler (Communications Officer)
Claire Hutchinson (Social Media Officer)
Fiona Johnson (Committee Member)
Laura Anderson (Committee Member)
Antony Oliver (Committee Member)
Mark Allen (Committee member)
Committee members serve fixed terms on the committee and when we have vacancies for committee members or other volunteering opportunities with the group we advertise them here as well as in ARA Today, our social media channels, and via emails to the group mailing list.

Join us
We’d love you to join us - drop a line to
And we’ll be in touch as soon as we have something to share..
Get in Touch
Or if you have a specific query or want additional information on volunteering opportunities use the same email above and one of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.