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Budgeting for beginners

Budgeting for beginners

Trainer: Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan

Training will be delivered over two consecutive days:

Online - Tuesday 11th February and Wednesday 12th February 2025 - 9.30am to 12.30pm

Please purchase only one ticket which covers both days.

This course is targeted at anyone who is new to budgeting. It is suitable for all levels of staff, volunteers and those working in community organisations.  Whilst designed for those in the cultural sector it will be relevant for those working in any environment as it covers key ideas and processes used in financial reporting.

Overview of course content

  • Understanding the purpose of a budget

  • When and how to create a simple budget

  • Individual elements and terminology within a budget

  • How to use a budget and variance analysis

  • An overview of other financial documents including profit and Loss, balance sheet, cash flow and reserves

Course learning outcomes

  • Understanding the nature and purpose of a budget

  • Developing basic skills to create a budget

  • Developing basic skills to use a budget

  • Understanding the nature and purpose of other types of key financial documents


This one-day course will be delivered online via Zoom across two half days. It will also provide the opportunity for participants to undertake work in between the two sessions that will contribute to their learning.

The course will be very hands-on, requiring participants to undertake a lot of activities and sharing what they have done.  Because of the nature of what will be discussed, confidentiality will be required, and the training will not be recorded.

The learning outcomes map to the following areas of ARA’s competency framework;

  • Managing and using financial and other resources

  • Developing self and others

About our trainer: Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan is a highly experienced senior professional archivist and qualified management consultant with extensive experience across all elements of the UK archive sector. Elizabeth brings her experience of working with numerous projects large and small as a consultant and in supporting her consultancy clients.

Booking and delegate fee:          £100 for ARA members. £180 non-members

Please book your place here before Friday 7th February 2025 - you only need to purchase one ticket for both days.

Joining instructions will be sent 24 hours before the start date.

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