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Stepping into leadership

Stepping into leadership

Trainer: Sarah Wickham

Training will be delivered:

Online - Wednesday 18th June to Thursday 19th June 2025

9.30am to 12.30pm on each day

This course is suitable for people who are beginning to lead others, and who may not be in a formal line management role. Whilst designed for those in the cultural and heritage sector it will be relevant for those working in any environment as it covers key ideas, skills and behaviours in leading others.

Overview of course content 

·         When am I a leader?

·         Leadership skills and behaviours

·         Communicating and influencing

·         Values

·         Understanding context and thinking strategically

Course learning outcomes 

·         Understanding the difference between leadership and management

·         Developing and practising basic leadership skills including communication and strategic thinking

·         Understanding personal values


This one-day course will be delivered online via Zoom across two consecutive half-days (3.5 hours).

The course will be very interactive, requiring participants to undertake activities during the sessions, some individually and some with others.  Because of the nature of content, confidentiality will be required, and the training will not be recorded.

The learning outcomes map to the following areas of ARA’s competency framework; 

·         Working with people

·         Contributing to and understanding internal/external professional environments

·         Developing self and others

·         Applying ethics and standards

About our trainer: Sarah Wickham FARA is a highly experienced senior professional archivist and information manager. She is an accredited coach, with extensive experience across all areas of the UK archive and information management sector. Sarah brings her experience of working with numerous people and organisations through consultancy and mentoring, and her role as apprenticeship tutor.

Booking and delegate fee:          £100 for ARA individual members. £140 for ARA corporate members, £180 non-members

Please book your place here before Monday 9th June 2025 - you only need to purchase one ticket which covers both days.

Joining instructions will be sent 24 hours before the start date.

9 June

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