Chair - Legislation and Standards Working Group

The Archives and Records Association (ARA) Legislation and Standards Working Group (LSWG) represents the interests and opinions of the archives, records and conservation sector to formal consultations from Governmental or regulatory bodies, and other professional standards generating bodies on behalf of the rest of the ARA.

The LSWG has members from across the UK and Ireland who keep a watch out for relevant consultations and proposals and then bring them to the group.  The lead of each consultation is agreed within the Working Group, with supporting, or contributing, roles allocated where necessary. The Chair manages meetings of the group and contributes to consultations where relevant. The ARA CEO supports the group and will submit the final consultation response where necessary.

Members of the LSWG draft responses to legislative proposals from the UK and Ireland’s governments, devolved administrations and other regulatory organisations such as the ISO. We respond to proposals relating to archives, records management, conservation and information governance. Recent examples include:

·       the UK Ministry of Justice proposals to destroy wills

·       the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill in the UK Parliament

·       Public consultation on the National Centre for Research and Remembrance in Ireland

·       Protecting and enhancing the security and resilience of UK data infrastructure

·       A Human Rights Bill for Scotland: Consultation

·       ISO/NP 24086 Digital legacies

·       PRONI - Organisational Health Check in Northern Ireland

·       Welsh Government Consultation on the new Tribunal system for Wales

·       Scottish FOI consultation

·       Welsh Government Electoral administration and reform White Paper


The work of the LSWG is important to the sector and we now require a new Chair. The role is interesting and not onerous as the group works in a collegiate and supportive manner. The drafting of responses is shared across all members of the group.

What are the benefits of being Chair? 

  • Develop your skills in team management, leadership, communication, public speaking and budget management 

  • Gain experience for the ARA Professional Development Programme or your continued professional development

  • Gain insights into the consultation processes that underpin the development of the standards and legislation which govern our profession 

  • Have your say and influence the sector’s ARA’s work

  • Raise your profile and get involved with interesting developments in the sector

What would the Chair be asked to do? 

  • To chair committee meetings, plan agendas and promote constructive debate 

  • Have oversight of all Working Group activities, offer guidance and interaction between group members 

  • Responsible for LSWG budget with LSWG Secretary 

  • Promote best practice and professionalism in the work of the LSWG 

  • Act as the link between the wider LSWG and the ARA Board and vice versa, keeping members informed of Board matters and representing LSWG’s interests to the Board  

  • Attend meetings of relevant ARA working groups/committees/forums

  • Prepare consultation responses, or support other LSWG members with responses as necessary.

Who would I be working with? 

  • LSWG Secretary

  • The LSWG members to manage the group’s activities 

  • ARA office staff 

  • Occasionally officers from other ARA Sections, Nations and Regions 

  • Rarely external bodies or regulators.

How much time would be involved? 

  • Four primary Working group meetings (via teleconference) throughout the year, occasional in person meetings can be scheduled where feasible.

  • Additional virtual meetings with ARA office bearers, etc.

  • Recommended minimum term 2 years.

  • The Chair role has a wide remit with ad hoc duties and it should be noted that prior to events and meetings there is usually an increased workload 

Who I will be reporting to? 

  • Members of ARA LSWG

  • ARA Board


For an informal discussion about the role please contact ARA CEO John Chambers at


Section for Business Records - is keen to recruit a Treasurer and two non-portfolio officers


The Archives Learning and Education Section (ALES) vacancy for a Treasurer