The Archives Learning and Education Section (ALES) vacancy for a Treasurer

ALES Committee vacancies

The Archives Learning and Education Section (ALES) needs you.

The section advocates for the use of archives in formal education and informal learning activities and supports our members through the provision of training and networking events and the sharing of resources and examples of good practice. We currently have a vacant role coming up in our committee and are looking people to join our welcoming and dynamic team.


The officer duties include –

  • To manage all aspects of the section’s budget and financial control in conjunction with the Chair

  • An annual budget proposal to the ARA Honorary Treasurer.

  • Budget reports for the AGM, national and regional committee meetings.

  • Monitor expenditure, process invoices, orders and contracts and sign off legitimate officer expenses.

  • Work with the CEO and ARA office to secure l Maintain good communication with other officers, attend meetings and join in on national or regional events and activities.

Time commitment of approximately 2-3 hours per month. This does vary, is often much less but can occasionally be more.

If you are interested in the opportunity outlined above, please send a short statement to us which position you are interested in and your reasons for wanting to take on the role. Any questions and queries can be directed to the same email address.

For more information visit 

Twitter - @ARALearning



Chair - Legislation and Standards Working Group