Appendix 10 – Example – Access Control Procedure

Access Control Procedure – ### 


The protection of ### Limited’s assets and information is of critical importance to our continued existence and ongoing reputation. Therefore, it is important that we are proactive in taking steps to protect our information and assets.

The following procedure will be adopted by all staff to ensure that access to the venue is controlled and limited to those who have a right to access.

Public Space and Reception 

  • Visitors are allowed free access to the public space on the ground floor including the café, seating area, and toilet facilities.

Staff Working Areas 

  • Anybody wanting access to the staff working areas must speak with the reception desk and confirm an appointment has been made. (If no appointment has been made then approval from the office manager must be sought before progressing further.)

  • The reception desk will contact the named individual.

  • The individual will ensure that the conference room is clear of all sensitive materials or anything that relates to other clients. They will then go to the reception area and bring their guest into the conference room.

  • Nobody other than staff members are to be brought into the working area due to client confidentiality and sensitive discussions by other members of the team.

  • Following the meeting the visitor is to be escorted back to the reception desk and signed out.

  • Where there is a need to vary this procedure agreement must be sought from Management.

Secure Storage Area 

  • The Office Manager controls access into the secure storage area. All movements in and out of the store are to be recorded.

  • Access is only permitted if accompanied by the Office Manager or if unavailable the Managing Director.

  • Items removed from the secure store must be signed out and returned at the end of each day.


If anybody has any questions about this procedure, they should be raised with Office Manager in the first instance.


Appendix 9 – Example - Opening and Closing Procedure


Appendix 11 – Example – Fire Procedure (no fire alarm)