Appendix 11 – Example – Fire Procedure (no fire alarm)

Protective Procedures - Fire 


Fire is the biggest danger to life and the preservation of archives, collections, or other flammable documents.

  • On finding a fire shout repeatedlyFIRE, FIRE, FIRE’ to make others aware.

  • Dial or have somebody dial 999/911 immediately. Provide as much information as possible.

  • If a small fire and you have been trained in using firefighting equipment attempt to extinguish the fire. On no account should you put yourself or others in danger to do so.

  • EVACUATE the building by the safest route.

  • Leave personnel possessions when evacuating.

  • Go to the Assembly area. [specify]

  • Account for all staff and advise those who are off-site to remain so until informed otherwise.

  • Do not return to the building until the Fire Service has given the ‘all clear’.

  • Consider whether there is a need to implement the Salvage Plan.

Any questions about this procedure should be raised with the Responsible Person, Sue Gaines, Health & Safety Manager


Appendix 10 – Example – Access Control Procedure