Notice and takedown policies and practices for archives. Copyright infringement and the EVA approach.
Trainer: Sean Waterman, Naomi Korn Associates
Online - Monday 9th June 2025 - 12.00 to 13.00pm
This webinar will explore how archives benefit from having clear notice and takedown policies and procedures for dealing with claims of copyright infringement.
Webinar learning outcomes
Understand the importance of notice and take down policies and practices for archives in dealing with copyright infringements.
Understand the role of publishing a notice and takedown policy and procedure online.
Understand the importance of having clear procedures for archive staff in place for dealing with copyright infringements.
Highlight the EVA (Engage Verify Action) approach to notice and takedown.
The webinar will conclude with a 10-minute Q&A segment, providing you with the opportunity to ask questions or seek clarification.
The learning outcomes map to the following areas of ARA’s competency framework;
Developing self and others
Understanding, interpreting and complying with legislation and regulation
Using and managing information systems, records and data
Providing (intellectual) access to the content of records and archives onsite and online
Sean Waterman, Head of Intellectual Property Naomi Korn Associates
Sean has over 30 years’ experience of working in copyright and licensing, including 16 years at the Museum of London before he joined Naomi Korn Associates in January 2023. As Head of IP, he supports clients to navigate the complexities of copyright, Intellectual Property (IP) and licensing.
Booking and delegate fees: Individual ARA member £50. Institutional Affiliate Member £65. Non-member £99.
The closing date for Eventbrite bookings is Thursday 5th June. Joining instructions will be sent 24 hours before the start date.