Section for New Professionals - Vacancies for Co-Chair and Careers Officer

Section for New Professionals - are keen to recruit a Co-Chair and Careers Officer

The Section for New Professionals has two vacancies on its committee and would love to hear from you! If you'd like to ask any informal questions about either of these roles before applying then please do feel free to get in touch: 


Are you good at managing, guiding and motivating people? See more about being an ARA Chair here:

Careers Officer

Would you like to help to connect new professionals to the Section? Find out more about being an ARA Careers Officer:

These roles do not require any particular previous experience other than an interest in taking part and time commitment. Prospective applicants must be current members of the ARA and preferably be newly-qualified professionals of up to five years.

We welcome expressions of interest from archivists, conservators and records managers.

Being part of this dynamic and pro-active team is a great opportunity to gain new skills, make an active contribution to the profession and engage with peers and established professionals.

To express your interest in either of these roles, please send a short statement (one page suffices) saying why the role interests you, outlining your interest in SfNP and ARA activities, and how you would manage working time and the team's commitments. Expressions of interest should be sent by Monday 12th August to: Please include the role you are interested in in the subject line of your email. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.


Section for Archives & Museums (SAM):Joint Museum Liaison Officer Role


The Archives Learning and Education Section (ALES) vacancy for a Treasurer